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Explaining Adoption Costs

An adoption in Idaho can vary in cost depending on the type (foster, etc) but with the agency we are using, the average cost is about $21,000 to $24,000. These funds go to our agency to cover their important work in the process. Here are the costs for our current adoption with descriptions for each part.

Registration Fee ($250): This covers the paperwork to sign up.

Training ($500): This covers the two days of training(~12 hours) that we received at the agency in Boise.

Home study ($600): We are assigned a local case worker who comes and inspects our home to ensure that everything is safe: baby proofed, smoke alarms, etc. The caseworker also helps us compile all the documents the agency needs to approve our home study. The paperwork is about the size of a small book (~100 pages). The caseworker reads through and checks everything for us.

Infant Waiting list ($4000): This is for the waiting list and for help compiling our profile book. The profile book is a description of our lives and we put in lots of pictures of ourselves. The birth mother looks at this to get an idea of who we are. While we are on the list, the agency is networking and meeting various people to help us be matched. The agency does a lot of work in this part: they go to high schools and colleges to talk about adoption, they offer counseling, they connect with various local groups, they also work with the birthmothers as they make an adoption plan. A lot of this is behind the scenes but this is really important work and we are thankful our agency is doing this.

Birth Parent Deposit ($4000): This money goes to the agency and they disburse it as needs arise following proper legal requirements about how the money can be used and handled. Some of the expenses that might be covered are various prenatal care needs.

Match Fee ($3000): This amount goes to the agency for their work with matching us with a birthmother. If it is an open adoption, there might be a couple of visits with the birthmother and/or father and the agency works to ensure the start of a good relationship. The agency also provides advice and counsel for all parties involved.

Placement Fee ($10,000): This covers the hospital plan with the birthmother and/or father and also the adoptive parents. There are two agents at the hospital helping everything run smoothly. The agents are also finishing and filing paperwork. The time at the hospital can be a few days depending on the situation.

While an adoption is an expensive process, a lot goes into each step and the agency is doing a lot of the essential work in the process. The caseworkers play a key role in helping make the adoption process smooth and successful. We are thankful for the agents we are working with in this adoption.


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