Here is an update on our adoption plans. We have been on the infant waiting list since about the end of January. We don’t have any news at this point but we want to let you know that we appreciate your support and prayers. Over the last few months, we have been notified by our agency in Boise when our profile book (pictures and letters about us) has been shown to a birth-mother. We know that our book has been shown about four or five times over the last few months. We are thankful to be where we are and we are waiting for God’s timing in this process. We appreciate the inquiries from you all about where we are. Just this week, we received another donation on our Gofundme page . We have been very encouraged by the gifts and support we have received. We have the funds in place that we need for the adoption agency. We are still saving money for our anticipated legal and travel fees. Thank you for your prayers and support. Blessings, Jesse and Kate